Monday, June 13, 2005

I've got Pabst Blue Ribbon on my mind

OK, I am hoping someone out there in blogland can help me out. Here is the story.

My lady friend and I went to see Whiskey Bitch on Saturday night. By the way, they are playing their last show ever in Phoenix this weekend before they break up. If you like old fashioned ass kicking punk/metal, I would go check them out. Anyhow, at the bar, it was pretty crowded. I looked over, and noticed some guy was drinking Pabst Blue Ribbon.

I was drinking Bass, which is my normal beer of choice. Yes, I am a bit of a beer snob. Sue me. It wasn't always that way though. I was poor, and used to drink the poor man's beer. You know, Milwaukee's Best, and that sort of stuff. However, even when I was poor, or desparate, or both, nobody I knew would be caught dead with PBR. It was the old man, white trash, redneck beer.

I was chuckling to myself that someone was drinking it. Then, as I was looking around, I saw more people had it. And as the place filled up, more and more people were drinking it. I am guessing close to half the bar was drinking that crap. I was absolutely stunned.

Either one of two things happened. It was on sale for about a dime a can, or everyone is in on the joke but me. When did Pabst become popular? Am I missing something here? I was telling one of the guys I hang with about it, and he is telling me that white trash is in right now. Is this true?


Gwennifer said...

What can I say? People do stupid drinking crappy beer, I suppose. You should have pulled the flamerthrower out of your pocket and caused a massive beer explosion as retribution on all the rednecks who are non-discriminatory drinkers.


phrainck said...

I take great pride in drinking martinis at my favorite club, just because the rest of the primates there are drinking beer by the pitcher.

Economically speaking, I can get two martinis for their one pitcher of beer, but damn it, I will appear stylish at any cost! Even if it is only in my own mind!